Thursday, July 5, 2012

Single Mom Legal Help

It is quite important for single moms to know where they can get legal help with regard do different issues affecting their children. Legal help for single mothers is essential and it has assisted a lot of single moms get relief by being supported by their husbands. In most of the cases the mother undergoes a lot of problems where the husband leaves her without even thinking of how she is going to bring up the children. Legal help will ensure that the single moms rights are well articulated and respected. The situation becomes even worse where the mom does not have a job and therefore, she doesn't have a means of supporting the kids. This is the reason why it becomes quite imperative for her to seek legal help for single mothers. They should know that they are entitled to child support from the other party. The biological father of the child must support the mother in bringing up the children.
The legal help for single mothers is also quite important in deciding who should have the custody of the children. The mother in most cases will be granted right to have custody of the child provided she is in a position to bring up the child. The mother will be better placed to bring up the child in many circumstances. If the father wants to have the custody of the kids legal help will require him to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the mother is not in a position to bring up the child. The level of proof is that of beyond any shadow of doubt. When the custody is granted to the mother then the father will be required to support the mother financially. In many situations however, the legal help for single mothers is important since she will be advised to seek a court order requiring the husband to be paying the support fund without failing.
Legal help has been there for quite sometime after a lot of single mothers were denied what was legally theirs by the father of their children. The legal help has as a result assisted many mothers and has remained quite determined in ensuring that whenever a single mother requires any service she can provoke their assistance anytime. Depending with the level of the relationship the mother may as well be entitled to a portion of the family property. The legal help will ensure that the mothers have legal understanding of what they should do to ensure that they get a share of the matrimonial property.
Legal help for single mothers will also ensure that the mother can be in a position to claim to be provided with housing. This is very important since many single mothers were simply housewives and depended wholly on their husbands. The legal help will give mothers an insight on how they should provoke court action with regard to claiming to be provided with housing. The single mother is therefore, playing a very important role in ensuring that single mothers know their rights and are able to fight for them.

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